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Terms of Service

Update date: August 1, 2024

Effective Date: January 1, 2023

Product Name:


Service Description:

Chatgot provides access to advanced large language model chatbots, including but not limited to GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, as well as custom bots developed using these models. These services enable users to engage in AI-powered conversations for a variety of purposes.

Minimum age

You must be at least 13 years old or the minimum age required in your country to consent to use the Services. If you are under 18 you must have your parent or legal guardian’s permission to use the Services. 

Usage Limits and Restrictions:

  1. Monthly Queries Per Model: Each model (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, etc.) is allocated a specific number of interactions per month. This queries is subject to change based on operational requirements and user demand.
  2. Bots: The usage of bots is limited by the monthly queries of the underlying model they are based on. Bots' functionality will be impacted by any changes in the model's availability or queries.
  3. API Stability: The services rely on third-party APIs, which may experience occasional instability or downtime. Chatgot is not responsible for disruptions caused by these third-party services.

Subscription Fees:

Fees are based on the selected subscription package and are subject to change with prior notice. Payment terms will be provided at the time of subscription.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:

  1. Cancellation
  • Subscribers may cancel their subscription at any time. However, the current subscription will remain active and accessible until the end of the paid period.
  1. Refund
  • According to our terms of service, refunds are not available once you have used our services.
  • If you have not used the service, refunds are subject to the following policies:
    • EU or Turkey Customers
      If you reside in the EU or Turkey, you are eligible to cancel your subscription and receive a refund within 14 days of purchase, applicable to both monthly and annual subscriptions. Please specify in your refund request that you are applying for a refund under EU or Turkey regulations. If there are any irregularities with your account, customer service may require you to provide relevant proof when processing the refund request.
    • All Other Customers
      Monthly Subscriptions:
      You can apply for a monthly refund within 24 hours after the initial purchase charge. Please state the reason for your refund request in your application.
    • Annual Subscriptions:
      You can apply for a refund within 72 hours after the initial purchase charge. Please state the reason for your refund request in your application. No refunds will be granted for requests made after this period.
  • Although we strictly adhere to our policies, we may not be able to fulfill your refund request if there are irregularities with your account. We strive to make our refund policy as fair as possible.
  • If you are eligible for a refund, we will process it and get back to you within 7-10 business days. However, please note that if you have previously received a refund for our services, we reserve the right to deny subsequent refund requests. This policy is designed to prevent abuse of our refund system and ensure fair use of our services.

Data Privacy and Security:

Chatgot is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its users. Personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Limitation of Liability:

Chatgot shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the services.

Content Restrictions

Using our website services, users must adhere to the following content restrictions:

  1. User Responsibility:
  • The Company is not responsible for the content generated by users of the service. You expressly understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the content and for all activity that occurs under your account, whether done so by you or any third person using your account.
  1. Prohibited Content:
  • Content that is unlawful or promotes unlawful activity.
  • Automated article spinning and bot-like content generation.
  • Defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited content, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups.
  • Content in restricted verticals such as substance/drug use, adult services, etc.
  • Spam, machine- or randomly-generated content, unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, chain letters, any other form of unauthorized solicitation, or any form of lottery or gambling.
  • Content containing or installing any viruses, worms, malware, trojan horses, or other content designed or intended to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment, or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any data or other information of a third person.
  • Content infringing on any proprietary rights of any party, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other rights.
  • Content impersonating any person or entity, including the Company and its employees or representatives.
  • Content violating the privacy of any third person.
  • False information and features.

If we discover any content that violates the above restrictions, we have the right to immediately delete or block such content and take appropriate actions, including but not limited to suspending or terminating the user’s service.

Acceptable Use Policy:

Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using our provided models, including but not limited to intellectual property laws, data protection laws, and cybersecurity laws. Users commit to not using the models for any illegal, unethical, or rights-infringing purposes.

Enforcement and Penalties:

If we discover that users engage in the following behaviors, we reserve the right to take appropriate measures, including but not limited to partial feature disabling, access restriction, or permanent account suspension. No refunds will be issued for violations.

  1. Violating laws, regulations, or the provisions of these terms by using the model for illegal activities or infringing on the rights of others.
  2. Unauthorized copying, distribution, modification, or reverse engineering of the model.
  3. Using the model for malicious attacks, compromising system security, or interfering with other users' normal use.
  4. Abusing model functions, including but not limited to excessive requests, automated batch operations, etc., resulting in excessive consumption of system resources or affecting other users' normal use.
  5. Any other use of our services that we deem as non-compliant, inappropriate, or detrimental to our services, systems, or the interests of other users.

Notification and Appeal:

Before taking any measures, we will make every effort to notify users and inform them of their violations. Users have the right to appeal within a reasonable timeframe after receiving the notification and provide relevant evidence to prove the legality of their actions. We will review the user's appeal and decide whether to lift or adjust the relevant measures based on the actual circumstances.

Amendments to Terms:

Chatgot reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Continued use of the service after changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or support, please contact

By subscribing to Chatgot, users agree to these terms and conditions.